Monday, 24 February 2014

Another Workweek Commencing...

Went to bed at 3:30am told my body to be up for 7am...I'm up at 6:30am now, understanding how much control I have of my body, how much I can push it with production and what is needed to maintain the engine at full potential. Prayers, meditation n a positive outlook on life has brought me into a different state of consciousness, one that has me seeing people/situations in a constant light. Which makes it easy for me to pick n choose who value me. 

Blogspot, Instagram, Tumblr, Twitter, FB artist page, Deviantart, an online portfolio...I use all these social medias to share my art and views but only cause they work as a platform for my creative approach. I've made a dedication to them and committed to updating them in a reasonable manner, keeping updates consistent and proper to the audience. I try to keep the content appealing to a wide variety as oppose to targeting just a small percentage, cause there have been many times I've been influenced by another's work or view that exist on the opposite end of the spectrum. 

We are all connected somehow, interconnected through this vast network of energy fuelling each other in some sorta vast array of human/universal complex we all are striving to discover. Emotional turmoils felt throughout the years to understanding that in the end it's Love that we require to overcome any obstacle, that one emotion is the most powerful emotion any human can emit, a light so strong it will effect the numbers around you. So today I practice projecting Love through kindness and compassion, I'll stop trying to define it and allow that unknowing guiding force show me how it is. Hope everyone in the world has a enjoyable, productive week...May you attain your goals, and achieve your dreams. GODspeed 

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