Friday, 28 February 2014

Revamped my 'Troll' Character Design...

Pushed the design from the original, smaller head, slimmer arms, bigger forearms and feet...Satisfied this was a better design, with more character.

Good Morning...

Woke up feeling pretty good, great sleep and yea that sun peaking just on the horizon just lifted my spirits. Gonna be a nice day awesome day actually.

Mapping out my day and configuring a to do list for my Friday, busy weekend doing some Storyboarding and prepping for finals. Time management is in check, now filling in the time with some hard work and having fun with this. 

Really ignoring the negativity in this world, and focusing on the positivity of my life, what I can do to contribute to my surroundings in a positive manner. One thing I realized with life is that something only has power over you if you give it that attention, it's a matter of energy given, if you're giving your attention to the drama that's happening in the world you're only fuelling that fire. That goes for people's negative views on things, which I don't get...everything that is there is there to teach you a reason, whether good or bad, there's always a flip side to learn...It's what you're focused on that manifests itself. 

I go with positivity these days, ain't nobody got time for the other shit. Word. Enjoy your day.

Thursday, 27 February 2014

It's 10:30pm just got home from school...

Today's classes I learnt a valuable lesson about work ethics, sometimes things happen to push you a little further just cause you can...perhaps a milestone of a sorts to take it you to the next level. That's how I see it after the fact, especially if it's something that you could possibly take personally, or be seen as an opportunity to improve. I'd rather learn then have something become a detriment in my progression.

This weeks assignment I had put in twice the effort and time as the prior weeks and got my marks today for the work. I got a much lower mark compared to other assignments, yet I put in double the time as to previous assignments I got top marks in. Didn't understand why that was so I asked to talk to the instructor about this and get his feedback on what it was that wasn't up to par. I was told that I could've pushed the design more with the character, that it almost looked too generic, that you want the design to stand out from the rest when you're working in the industry especially. Pretty much saying if you're capable of innovating the design to push it further...Be better then the best. He made some suggestions to what I could've tweaked to do to step it up a notch. That, at this point he likes to be hard on his top students. I guess...So what did I do next?!

I stayed after class and took my design, redid it and made the changes he suggested and I'm gonna hand it in again tomorrow for feedback...Guess if I can use that as fuel to go hard. So be it, I'll improve given the opportunity that's my game these days. #HA! 

Finals for Comic Relief 'Troll' Character Developing...

Comic Relief 'Troll' Blueskys for Character Design Class...

Humpday…Halfway there

Redesigning this menu layout for a friends pho restaurant, did this mock layout after finishing up some schoolwork for tomorrow…Im ready and on another note i got suggested to be student ambassador for              
 my 3D animation program. Pretty sweet deal, and got featured on my schools blogspot with some of      my art
posted from my instagram. Figuring ive been putting in the work getting ready for the industry, still so much to get down packed and applied on a daily basis, constantly tuning the machine…muddafuggin upgrades yo. No key to success just good ol hard work. Word.

Monday, 24 February 2014

Coloured Pencils on Coloured Paper

Another Workweek Commencing...

Went to bed at 3:30am told my body to be up for 7am...I'm up at 6:30am now, understanding how much control I have of my body, how much I can push it with production and what is needed to maintain the engine at full potential. Prayers, meditation n a positive outlook on life has brought me into a different state of consciousness, one that has me seeing people/situations in a constant light. Which makes it easy for me to pick n choose who value me. 

Blogspot, Instagram, Tumblr, Twitter, FB artist page, Deviantart, an online portfolio...I use all these social medias to share my art and views but only cause they work as a platform for my creative approach. I've made a dedication to them and committed to updating them in a reasonable manner, keeping updates consistent and proper to the audience. I try to keep the content appealing to a wide variety as oppose to targeting just a small percentage, cause there have been many times I've been influenced by another's work or view that exist on the opposite end of the spectrum. 

We are all connected somehow, interconnected through this vast network of energy fuelling each other in some sorta vast array of human/universal complex we all are striving to discover. Emotional turmoils felt throughout the years to understanding that in the end it's Love that we require to overcome any obstacle, that one emotion is the most powerful emotion any human can emit, a light so strong it will effect the numbers around you. So today I practice projecting Love through kindness and compassion, I'll stop trying to define it and allow that unknowing guiding force show me how it is. Hope everyone in the world has a enjoyable, productive week...May you attain your goals, and achieve your dreams. GODspeed 

Sunday, 23 February 2014

SUNday #Schoolgrind...

First one in school today, getting all the material I need to do my Storyboarding assignment...Script, setting and audio for the animatics. Getting a visual for it while doing thumbnails for overall projection. Meanwhile 2 friends roll through and we're bouncing ideas off each other to fill in any gaps that were there when preconceptualizing the project. 2 heads are better 1...Teamwork make the Dreamwork I say. #HA! 

Saturday, 22 February 2014

Saturday Ink Session...

Meanwhile today I laid this arowana half sleeve on a friend who flew in from Etown to get sum work done. #Artwork #Concept #INK #Tattoos #Goodtimes #Connect #HA!-Style

Friday, 21 February 2014

Daily grind...

Laid out this poster ad for a market for VCAD students I'm organizing for next term...#Layouts #Colourtheory #Dailycreations #HA!

Friday kickoff to the Weekend...

Woke up feeling really good about life today, that I've doing everything I should be doing and then some up to this point. Developed a habit of listening more, drowning out the noise of the world to maintain that mental clarity needed to problem solve and stay focused. Meanwhile putting in place a strong support network to generate ideas and progression for everyone involved. It just means now I have that much more control of my life, that I can pick and choose who will be in my life...I don't need anyone around me who doesn't value my views, feelings, and presence. That's the harsh fact of it all you will not make everyone happy, though why would you want to...creating an alternate version of yourself to please others is wack. Being myself will only attract those who belong around me, that's the forces of nature at hand...That's the law of attraction people speak of. 

Tuesday, 18 February 2014

Tuesday #Schoolgrind...

Up all night working on storyboards for class today, power napped for a couple of hours and then came to school. Its 8:33 pm and im sitting in the tutorial room working on Maya before heading home. Ive officially hit 13 hrs at school and Im past that point where my body should be saying im tired, a regain sense of determination fuels me for a lil longer so I can get this work done. Around some good folks these days, their ambitions to strive further inspires me to do the same. That's one thing to know that you are who you surround yourself around, I pick and choose these days...cut out the nonsense that would disturb my momentum...The love for everything around me comes from being grateful for it all, its something people fail to realize that something like gratitude can open channels to the many blessings from the universe.

Break for some food then back to work...Hope everyone around me attain their goals and pursue their dreams, success should be the only option.

Monday, 17 February 2014

Life Drawing 2 Class

20 min sketch w/white conte done on black paper in Life Drawing 2 class tonight. This I enjoyed considering you had to switch the contrast to develop the image in a negative format. #Artwork #Challenge #Rendering #VCAD #Schoolgrind #HA! 


Life Drawing 2 class assignment...Rendering one of our gesture drawings from class into a finalized copy w/shading. I ended up with this result when done. #HA!-Style #Artwork

SUNday Work on a friend...

Ran into a friend from Edmonton a couple of weeks ago, asked me to do some ink on him so I set something up for Sunday to get in a session...'Thou Shall Overcome' in script WIP finish up in a couple weeks

Friday, 14 February 2014

#HA!ppy Valentines Day!!

Full day of prepping some projects and work for the coming week, just finishing up at school mapping out my evening and what I need to get done before the nights over. Schools getting pretty exciting, the young kids are super competitive and I'm setting up some plans for the year. My life at the moment, opportunities are arising, and getting better at my craft is a must. Progression in all areas.

I had 2 job interviews this week for part time work, one at a sexshop and the other at a family retail store lol big contrast between the 2, which went well and now I'm waiting for the call to start training. Will be good to start working outside my schoolstuff to try something NEW. Change is always good i feel...Adds a bit of contrast to the norm and theres always opportunity lying in the change. Just gotta find it, and be aware of the signs and messages that are there. Perspective is everything.

I woke up feeling super grateful for everything thats come into play in life, I've put in a lot of work till now so things are starting to build and change pace. Maintaining the positivity and being optimistic with people and life has helped me stay centred and not be distracted by others negativity.
Faith in a higher power helps with clarity, it also helps with acceptance that anything that happens has a reason therefore learning all the time allows growth for the mind, body, soul. The trifecta of God consciousness.

Simple/Broad 'Caveman' Character Development Finals

Thursday, 13 February 2014

6:13 am...and I'm blogging about how early it is

 Looking like one of those days waking up, feeling content with life...These long hrs of Schoolgrind is starting to payoff, production wise, and energy wise. But time management and organization is vital to harness this creative energy. Otherwise shit be goin sideways and next thing you know you're falling behind...fuk dat I stay on top of my grind, maximizing everything/every opportunity that comes my way.
Kinda like there will always be girls, but opportunities?! Not soo much. #HA!

Got a Character Design and a Maya class today...should be fun, always is with these young folks, their 
Energy is up to par with progression. Got a ton of things to work on, chiseling away at them any chance I get but making sure I get the proper rest, eats and exercise to maintain the system. Staying Positive no matter what life throws at you, it's a battle of the perception understanding there is always a lesson behind everything, trying to see past it and understanding the reason behind it is a skillset unmatched by any other. Deflecting the negativity that is around you and persevering through it's the way to get things done, the only way to attain goals, achieve your dreams.

I know it's not gonna be easy, life ain't easy but the results are gonna be worth it...that's the reason why I stay on course, stay focused, and stay on my grind. #HA!-Style Antics

Wednesday, 12 February 2014


Link to the animatics:

Meanwhile on the sky train home an atomic bomb goes off and I make it home safely to find my pal Stay Puft decided to make a surprise visit to tell me all about his horrible camping trip that involved a huge bonfire and a bunch of hungry kids lol...Jk first image is of an interior one of the younger homies in class created which is siiick, which in turn gave me an idea to find an image of the marshmallow man to use for one of my interior render shots. Fuggin awesome #HA!ha

Interior room lighting...

Interior room lit up and rendered...It turned out really well. #Maya #Rendering #VCAD #Schoolgrind #HA! 

#HA!ppy Hump Day...

Looking forward to today's work, soaking in all this NEW knowledge and networking with like-minded individuals. Been getting some things on the go on the side which are looking promising so I'll have to plan some projection/strategy for it...Meanwhile I'm gonna be setting up a market for students at my school to sell various merchandise to other students in week 9 of this term, and see where this go. Really feel it would be cool to connect on that level with others who are ambitious about getting their artwork out there and sharing their awesomeness. Got the ball rolling yesterday with a meeting with student services. 

After 5 monthes of sending/dropping off resumes for part time work I finally get 2 interviews back to back lol one in retail and the other in a sex shop. That should be interesting if I get either job cause I've never done both nor will I be reluctant to learn NEW things in the process. Been putting in long hours in school to stay on top of things, and keep the creative energy my GPA the other day when I was filling out my Siggraph volunteer forms, as it stands at 3.98 at the moment 4 is the highest you can get. So I'm amped about the payoffs from all the hard work I've invested. Maintaining the momentum with my eyes on the endgame, there is no compromising the objective...not now, not later, NEVER.

A thought played through my mind this morning from the stuff I've been seeing around me lately. Flakey people trying to call the shots, feeling entitled to status cause a) they're show boaters b) they think they know it all c) jealousy manifests weirdly in males...I've taken to ignoring it all, cause I honestly don't got time for that. Meanwhile I'm gonna try to get everyone involved in projects, see where everyone's strengths are and build on them. Team work make the dream work...that's on the reel, oh I mean real!! Cheers HA!

Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Storyboarding Zoning...

29 storyboard panels done #SUN...Amped #UP doing the animatics tomore is gonna be hella fun #HA!-Style antics #Ninja #Animestyle #Create #Artwork #Storyboarding #Latenight #Creativezoning

Monday, 10 February 2014

Morningrise and it's raining...

Had a decent sleep, woke up moody as hell though and let this girl know how much of an asshole I can be...She didn't like that too much, but I was half asleep that's my excuse plus the last few days dealing with bitches who take kindness for weakness trying to take advantage, expecting shit from me for free...dumbasses be the same ones whining about dudes bein pricks to them not giving them the time of day. That stuff super annoys me and I hate the fact that people are so fake sometimes that it just becomes normal to them after awhile, so that to them is real. People gettin dillusional is the norm, making up shit in their head. Fabricating some fantasy world. #HA!

It's 8:33 am now, gonna get up cause I've set aside the whole day to do my Storyboarding assignment which involves a briefcase and 2 ninjas...Stay Tuned

Sunday, 9 February 2014

Lighting for interior project...

Did some lighting for my interior, gonna have to tweak it for the right shadows to display...Laid out my composition for my #NXT storyboard assignment, gettin ready for tomorrow's projection. #SUNday #VCAD #Schoolgrind #HA!

Maya 1 interior project...

Got to texturing my interior project for Maya, got the majority of work done now the fun part...Lighting and extras.

Social Saturday...

Sooo tonight I...

Hung out w/a lady friend to unwind n take a break from the Schoolgrind...Nice to connect and just have some good wholesome conversation about life and what's in store in the future. She took me down to English Bay to peep these statues they made for the Olympics when it was in Vancouver. They're actually pretty effin cool. 

Taking notice of some people around me that are so self absorbed that they think the world revolves around them makes me sick, yet they don't know if they're coming or going, talking about others like they know what's good yet they know nothing about what they're doing. People are so disillusional these days, thinking they can find true love yet know nothing about themselves and why they are the way they are, how they gonna understand what true love unless they find that love within themselves first. I think if it was that easy everyone would be settled down with their soulmate I guess...

I honestly think girls who talk about this stuff deep down they just fiending for the D and lying to themselves saying otherwise. Then again what girl wants to be known as a slut...before leaving the house I overheard my roomie talking with her friend saying how she's sick of guys giving her the run around, how she's gonna be alone on valentines day, that's she's gonna go get fukin drunk to deal with it, fuk it she's not even gonna wear a bra type night cause she's fed up with boys. HA! Word this type of stuff I hear everyday.

Saturday, 8 February 2014

6:30 am rise...

Guess I'll start my day, had a rough sleep though that's what I get for going to sleep cranky (fuggin nocturnal cats)...shitty dreams. Seen people in my dreams that were from my past, old thinking that can't be bothered with these days cause I'm really past it. Old feelings got revisited again, sucks that I had to see the shiftiness of some old friends thinking. Their truth behind their actions, the fact that people pose as friends but behind your back their finding ways to fuk you over. People are competitive, and it's good to have that edge to push you to further your skills and life but to have jealousy manifest into competition is really nasty stuff. You would start to make up things in your mind to justify your actions, go to extremes to rally support, make up shit, spread gossip...It becomes a sorta political campaign in this popularity riding you're trying to claim. I know, it sounds a lot like high school all over again...these days I'd rather (A) Keep to myself, keep my circle small and work on what I need to do everyday to elevate in my consciousness then (B) Sit around and hate. It takes a lot more energy to hate then to love, and that shit fuel is expensive these days. Ain't nobody got time for that...#WORD but tbh kindness really goes a long way it opens a connection to everything around you. Try it might just transform your life in wondrous ways. #HA!ve an awesome day!!

Friday, 7 February 2014

Maya all day Schoolgrind...

One day later I finally finished rendering my drafting table and stool for my #Maya interior project. Hard work paying off...#VCAD #Midterms #Schoolgrind #HA!

Good morning...

#True...I feel something soo simple, practiced like a mantra becomes very effective. This is #Universalconsciousness #WORD 

Thursday, 6 February 2014

It's 11:36 and I'm blogging...

Full day Schoolgrind got to school at 8 am didn't leave till 9:30 pm, got a lot of things done in Maya...Built a drafting table for my interior scene, it's due Wednesday so I'm finishing up the layout and getting texture ready to lay down on my furniture and such gonna be pretty fun to do. Looking for a very realistic scene with this. I even threw in a bonus piece of art in it also...HA! 

Walking home after leaving school with classmate we got to talking about how we both figured we'd stay in the shit city we was from, and never go any else where's to live...Then opportunity came up, thought about it, could do that...then I had to do that, and NOW I'm doing it!! Connecting with like minded folks, brewing up ideas, building teams, making plans, planting seeds, magnifying skills...Feels pretty good to be involved with that creative energy. Shits creator energy, you create things, you're harnessing imagination...I believe imagination is God, that's your likeness to God...the power to create.

Another thing came up about the lows in life, those times you be like damn shits tough these days but you still going...Those times I said would be a reminder of why you held on so long, that's the reason why you should never give up on your goals, dreams, whatever. There's a purpose you just gotta find it. Having gratitude is everything, appreciative of everything, everyone around you...That's how you receive the good things, that open channel to the universe...Like it's some BiG secret!! HA!

PS- I conquered today!!! HA!ha =)

Flying Insect Bug Character Design...

Wednesday, 5 February 2014

Simple/Broad Caveman Character Blueskys for Character Design Class...

Another day done...

12 hr days for school, really amping up production levels with projects...Remembering to stay centred and patient. It's best to really do you and self improve with your skills, naturally you will gravitate towards like minded individuals or attract who you need in life. Only teamwork will make the dream work. Have to stay on course with things and making sure to have a clear end game throughout it all...eyes on the prize. HA!-Style mindset...Gettin it how I live!!

Tuesday, 4 February 2014

All day schoolgrind today, just finishing up now and im been at it since 8:30am. Been like this for a sec now and its getting pretty easy and routine, which is awesome. Maximizing the days, great cause other classmates are starting to do the same so I aint in it alone. Nice...You know what they say, two heads are better then one. Which makes for better energy...creative energy to emulate and project. You get what you put in!! HA! :)

Tried to upload this 'New' animatic I did for a retake on a fable/story of choice for my Storyboarding class, had trouble doing it on my blog so I added a link to my online portfolio to share the vid. I ended up doing 'The Sword of Damocles' for mine, if you don't know the story heres a brief description of the story provided by Wiktionary...

"Damocles was an obsequious courtier in the court of Dionysius II of Syracuse, a fourth century BC tyrant of Syracuse. Damocles exclaimed that, as a great man of power and authority, Dionysius was truly fortunate. Dionysius offered to switch places with him for a day, so he could taste first hand that fortune. In the evening a banquet was held where Damocles very much enjoyed being waited upon like a king. Only at the end of the meal did he look up and notice a sharpened sword hanging directly above his head by a single horse-hair. Immediately, he lost all taste for the amenities and asked leave of the tyrant, saying he no longer wanted to be so fortunate. Dionysius had successfully conveyed a sense of the constant fear in which the great man lives."

I decided to use Lucifer and God in the storyboards, telling the story of Lucifer coming face to face with God to plead her case to regain her power back through her time spent in hell/her service to him. God agrees but under one condition that a sword hangs over her head...I figure with great power comes with huge responsibilities. FYI: The name Lucifer derives from the latin words 'Lux Ferre' meaning light bringer, also known as Morningstar aka Venus (The Goddess of Love).

Heres the link ENJOY:

Monday, 3 February 2014

Life Drawing 2 class...Evening #Schoolgrind at #VCAD

30-40 sec gestures (China marker)

20 min sketch (Charcoal)

Reflections of a past life...

I remember doing artwork for the boxing gym I was training at abit ago, hooked them up with some cool shit, connected them...then that shit got to their head. People started gettin greedy, feeling this entitlement that I owed them shit, that I became the source of all teachings to the kids that trained there. I stopped goin there, cleaned up and started doing me, only me fuk everybody else...then one night I went to go check out a boxing match at Whiskeyjacks, ran into Sheldon Hinton n his bunch, they were all drunk as fuk coming at me telling me to drink. I was nah I'm good I'm just here to peep the match, dude gets in my face says, 'You think you're better than all of us cause you stopped drinking?!' The guy is 4 times my size gettin mad at me cause I quit drinking, honestly I quit drinking cause I like to stay on my A game at all times that's pretty much how it is. Being sober really opens your eyes to the harsh reality of people's mindsets, I'm passed that fake shit. Ain't nobody got time for that.

Life Drawing 2 assignment done #SUN...

Action skeleton...Got this thing for samurai swords and skulls #Killingit #HA!

Life at a standstill at 3 am...

Meanwhile I'm contemplating change in my life, understanding anything that changes requires a sacrifice whether it be negative people, habits or views, all are small compared to the big rewards in the end. Being positive, working hard and staying loyal to whatever faith I may have will elevate me to where I need to be to build, grow and achieve whatever goals ive laid out. It's my roots that will foundate me, my family is everything that will make me strong...These principles I stay true to and practice everyday, ignoring the unnecessary drama that is thrown at me and keeping my eyes on the prize. I love my life cause it's the only one I got...And remembering why I held on so long when things get tough, cause those times only make me stronger. #HA! It's empowerment through accomplishments