Tuesday, 29 April 2014



Does anyone know any charitable organizations here in BC that are involved in the arts/design/music area that do work with youths from troubled lifestyles?! Working on a charity event with my school and looking for a organization here to do work with. Your suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Thanx J

Sunday, 27 April 2014

SUNday Pre-Production.....

Up at 6 am and did a 5K run on the treadmill to let go of any anxiety felt from last night. Made a healthy breakfast afterwards to fuel the system and got ready to head out the door. On my way to a team meeting I noticed a large crowd on Granville street and noticed a huge sign saying 'White Members Only' I was like no way effin way as I was approaching the scene. Expecting a spectacle of a sorts, with cops barricading the streets or something I noticed another sign on the other street saying 'Purple Members Only' just then I realized this was some sorta event going on. Made sense cause there was all sorts of folks from different backgrounds interacting with each other. Find out it was the annual Vancouver Sun Run, soo many people lined up for 5 blocks down the street...It was super cool to see so many different people involved and engaged on a SUNday morning. Definitely some good positive energy flowing on the streets. So cutting through the crowd to continue my way, all the meanwhile listening to the anticipation of the people as they was gettin ready to start the course. I was thinking to myself man it would suck choda if midway I got trampled crossing the road lol. Made it.

Made some progress with today's antics, knowing that the team dynamics is strong these days. Looking out for each other to magnifying each other's strengths and developing them for the BIG picture at stake whatever the project is. I'm all about that team spirit, straying off the competitive nature that we are so use to by society's standards. Learning to look at yourself to self improve in all aspects, bringing you to a level where you will connect with others like minded. Gravitating towards your dreams, opening up doors/opportunities.....Your divinity. Let go of any expectations and use that energy to appreciate everything/everyone around you. See what happens next.....You'll thank me later. Word.

Friday, 25 April 2014

Friday living in the YVR...

To whom it may concern,

Nothing like peeling your socks off after a full day of work, reloaded on the groceries and gettin ready for the weekend. The weather was nice out today, so being in the sun was definitely a bonus...Gonna have a good summer for sure. 

Found out some good news today from the campus coordinator, super stoked for the coming school terms Yess...Looking like everyone's on par with work and goals so it's pretty awesome that everybody is working on the same path. I feel blessed to be around sooo much talent it fuels me to be better than who I was. I believe teamwork is the answer to building dreams. Staying grateful for everything that is in play, no matter what...Everything happens for a reason.

Meanwhile I'm laying in bed lounging plotting out my evening, setting mini goals for the next 3 days then weekly projections, always with the big picture playing in the back of my mind. Motivation is important to staying focused. So I stay around people who uplift me and influences that inspire me to do things. Ain't nobody got time to waste these days especially when u got a lot of things to look forward to. Word. Hope everyone has a safe and enjoyable weekend...I know I will. HA! 

Cheers J

Thursday, 24 April 2014

Evening Schoolgrind...

Meanwhile in #Sculpture class...Gettin the armature ready for my #Robot model. Looking #Forward to the #Endresult #Yess

Original Creative Designs...

Finished up this caricature for a client, it's for her friends bday gift which is a pretty cool and unique gift. He likes surfing so I made it the theme of the piece. If you're interested in getting one of these done I charge $50.00 (which includes shipping and handling fees) for a 9" X 12" size. Email me at jncustoms80@gmail.com with your idea.

Tuesday, 22 April 2014

Figure studies today...

Some figure studies done in Life Drawing 3 class today, refining my technique and softening up my approach. Big difference when practicing patience with my craft.

Tuesdays studies...

#Pencils #Rendering #Figure-study #Artwork #Create...#VCAD #Schoolgrind #HA!

Sunday, 20 April 2014

Oprah knows wsup...Like attracts like

"I started out giving thanks for small things, and the more thankful I became, the more my bounty increased. That's because what you focus on expands, and when you focus on the goodness in your life, you create more of it. Opportunities, relationships, even money flowed my way when I learned to be grateful no matter what happened in my life." ~Oprah Winfrey (Media personality and Businesswoman)

Air conditioner done SUN for environmental class...

So I've been working on this air conditioner for the last 2 weeks learning all these new tools for Maya, starting to grasp the concept and understanding the proper way to do UV mapping and textures. Pretty exciting stuff to pick up cause seeing ways to apply this knowledge onto other ongoing projects is really opening my eyes to the possibilities at hand. 

Good meeting today...Feeling pretty amped these days

Meanwhile errybody be celebrating 420, and im in a P.T.I. Team meeting developing an idea w/members. Oh yea and I made a stirfry afterwards to keep the engine going...All sorts of goodness in this #HA! #SUNday grind

Saturday, 19 April 2014

Creative Latenight zoning...

Got a chance to finish tightening up the lines on my robot pose that I got planned for sculpture class...Super excited but I'm seriously up to a challenge, been mapping it out/the steps to make this happen. #HA!-Style #Create #Latenightzoning

Friday, 18 April 2014


Waking up this view really makes me grateful for the day to come...Earlyrises for Fullday grinds. The world is my oyster, I make sure to shine that pearl. Dream all day, rest by night. HA!

Thursday, 17 April 2014

My night is finally done…or is it?! Hmmm...

So its 10:38 pm and i just got home from school, been at it since 5 this morning…Went to help with the easter egg hunt at school, but they ended up doing it already when i arrived. So i just kicked it and got things ready for The Creators Corner at lunchbreak, which meant getting some music and speakers for the event to create a chill ambience (found some really jazzy art gallery music which was perfect), printed off some event logos to throw up on the wall, and rearranged the room to have the vendors set up and such properly. It went rather well and im super grateful for the turnout from students and staff with lots of praise, support to keep going with this. Coolness…Word.

Now im seeing what im gonna do for the rest of the evening cause my homie is performing at a bar tonight and i gotta get some artwork ready for a project also. So im thinking what now?! Hmmm…see how i feel after a shower. Word

The Creators Corner today...First event!!!

Photos from The Creators Corner event, good turnout during lunch hour for our first event...Lots of interests and good feedback from everyone who attended. Looking forward to the next one. Cheers...#VCAD #Event #Development #Schoolgrind #HA!

Thursday grind...

Up early today cause I know I have a long day ahead of me, helping out at school first thing, setting up for The Creators Corner after, then prep work and sculpture class at 6 pm till 10 pm...Then eat and sleep. #Mapped

For tonight's #Sculpture class I had to do 3 variations of this robot I created. #Robots are cool, now I'm contemplating #Change #Animestyle #Transform #Artwork #Development #Conceptual #HA!

Wednesday, 16 April 2014

Post-Art Production Mindset...

#Create what you feel...like...anything your imagination could desire. #Freedom from #Expressions #HA!

The Creators Corner tomorrow...

So for the last 3 monthes I've been setting up this event for the students at VCAD. A student market created by students for the students and staff to showcase art creations and sell them in a organized setting. Looking to do this once every term and have a hub for students to have an opportunity to connect with like minded individuals to network and expand on their creative goals. Pretty stoked for the very first event tomorrow at VCAD...

Tuesday, 15 April 2014

Maya that bitch...

 I got a relationship with Maya these days, she's very difficult at times but I take my time to understand her. She can corrupt you, lose all your files, or not even be there when you're trying to open her up shieet. Though I have to know her, really get in her system, learn the process, the potential, the possibilities...'Fukin Maya',you hear me say that a lot when I'm at school lol.

I seriously just got home from school, classes from 8:30 to 5:30 pm then work on a project, then UV mapping my current Maya assignment out, made a air conditioner and getting it ready for texturing...Everyone around tells me I have good work ethics and they can't understand how I put in so much work...I honestly look at it as this; How much can you condition the mind/body/spirit to optimize production outta the machine which is your body. You control the machine, maximizing the engine is the grind these days.

So I got a full day tomorrow, ambassador meeting, homework and some prepping. I set these goals/deadlines and go down the list, hitting each one off at a time. Empowerment/Motivation/Inspiration...to be better, better then who I was yesterday. Word.

Feeling Grateful...

Woke up feeling more relaxed then usual even though I got woken up by roommates cat knocking over pencils and such off my table...I still woke up feeling grateful. Grateful for the bed I'm sleeping in, grateful for the air I'm breathing, grateful for everything/everyone around me. 

Today's gonna be another beautiful day, sun will be out again...everyone's gonna be smiling being lively. What's there not be grateful for...we're surrounded by beauty/good energy. I appreciate that s#!t.

Making today count, yesterday is done...today is the NEW. The day you were worried about yesterday, time to face the music and start composing some good scores. HA!ve a good productive one!!!

Monday, 14 April 2014

Good Orderly Direction...

Kickstart To The Week...Monday Projection

Good morning :)
Recap of the weekend, and understanding the importance of inter-dependency in a team setting. We had our second P.T.I. Meeting this SUNday laying out the groundwork to our pet project...it's super exciting to see the chemistry forming and group dynamics building as we move along with the project concept. We got a pretty kickass team with some great talent, helping each other develop the skills we need to do a top notch professional production. Understanding cooperation is vital for this connection we currently have amongst the members. 

This schoolweek is going more in-depth with 3D animation and character modelling, really looking forward to that and enhancing my projection. Gonna be doing a lot of promoting around the school for the art market I set up for the students at VCAD. So I'm pretty pumped for that...printed off teaser flyers (post card size) and started handing them out yesterday when I was at school. Great chance to meet other students from other programs and being engaged. I'm seriously all about that team spirit, what we project as a collective reaps the same amount back. It's universal law.

I've been making sure to take time and being kind to myself, relaxing more, getting in a good nights rest and not being so work oriented all the fuggin time. It's important being a creative person and all to have a balance, to be centred with your energy and be able to harness that creativity so you can always do your best work at your full capability. It's tough sometimes being distracted by the world but having that discipline, practicing it and developing self control is like taking hold of the reins of that carriage I call YOURSELF and being able to go where you want to go in life. Word.

Saturday, 12 April 2014

#HA!ppy Vaisakhi!!! Afternoon well spent...

Went and checked out the Sikh festival of harvest down on Main Street today w/some friends, so many people, great food, beautiful culture...#HA!ppy Vaisakhi!!! #YVR #Culturalexposure #Goodtimes #Goodeats #Goodfriends 

Saturday morning gratitude...

Another sunny day in the beautiful YVR, I was told before I left Edmonton to be prepared for 8 monthes of grey skies with no sun. I think I've seen more sun here then I have in Edmonton in the last lil bit, feeling super good today doe. Enjoying my weekend and not tired from working a 12 hr shift so I'm gonna be loving the free time. Hopefully everyone out there is enjoying their weekend so far, this gratitude for life and everything gots my coasting these days. HA!

Friday, 11 April 2014

About to go to sleep...

So I get a call earlier today from the manager from the sex shop, and was told I didn't make it through the probationary stage and I didn't fit in the company's makeup...So I'm like,"What did I do? Or too many things happened during my shifts? That stuff was beyond my control. I wasn't trained to deal with that shit!" Lol I was thinking perhaps I didn't make the dildo sales quota, but shit I tried my best to sell as many sex toys as I could...with general knowledge I think I did pretty good. I had to boshit most of the time but I made sales still haha.

So now fast forward I'm laying in bed wondering about doing some work but realized hey maybe this is a blessing in disguise. My time just freed up I really think I gotta take some time for myself and just chill, not do anything, be at peace and centre my energy. Cause I'm usually on the go go go, I generate a lot of energy and I know how to. People around me know that, I know it...I feed off it and channel that noise.

Life has been crazy but everything I ever wanted to do is slowly forming in front of my eyes, staying focused on the endgame and managing my time efficiently. Doing my best in anything I do '100'...1000 these days it feels like. Sometimes things you think are bad happen and you realize fuk you just need some time to chill the fuk out. #WORD

Thursday, 10 April 2014

Thursday Evening Schoolgrind...

Breaking down my character into parts and configuring out the process of moulding this from start to finish...Super complicated but gonna be super fun. #Sculpture #VCAD #Evening #Schoolgrind #HA!

Wednesday, 9 April 2014

Yawn...Rise n Shine Time

I forgot to post this story the other day but I was texting this girl the other day and we was talking about my work schedule and how I barely sleep/I'm always doing something pertaining to my work. She was like, "Where do you get all this energy from to do all these things?! Is it drugs??" Yea it's called 'Life' it's a natural high, and it's got me flying these days #HA!ha Word.

Life at a standstill these days, I really take the time to be grateful for everything and everyone in my life good or bad. These are lesson encounters to be taught through interactions, experience and realizations to help you grow/progress through journey. You appreciate the process, and you are rewarded with gifts of abundance. My faith in God is foundated and he does speak to me on many levels...Belief and awareness of it all allows an open channel to the universal powers that is available to us. Creativity is the soul essence of that connection, the purity of all existence...The creators gift to us.

You are awesome...Spread that shit like magic dust. Be kind to everyone around you, it will return to you 10 folds I kid you not. Enjoy your day!!!

Cheers J

Meanwhile Grabbin A Bite At The Warehouse With Some Good Folks...

I'm grateful to be around some good people these days, real wholesome people that want succeed in life...I stay around those who uplift me. 

Tuesday, 8 April 2014

Finishing UP Tuesday Schoolgrind...Full Day Production Optimized

Looking forward to modelling this character for Character Modelling 2 class this term...Super excited for this project to get underway. #HA!vin fun with this!!!

Monday, 7 April 2014

Running off fumes today...

Got off work at 8am this morn, came home showered n passed out for 4hrs to wake up for a meeting at school with the P.T.I. Group and an instructor. Ended up the instructor totally forgot about the meeting and we were stuck going ahead with the meeting to go over this weeks duties for next Sundays meet. Once that was done I got a chance to finish up some homework for tomorrow's class and network with students on other matters...This term is gonna be super busy, so I'm gonna have to manage my sleep schedule abit more efficiently so I get enough sleep to trudge through the work with school and group projects. Luckily I gota team together to manage the big workload so I'm not overwhelmed with things. I'm super grateful for that...

Thursday, 3 April 2014

5 am Morningrise...

"At times our own light goes out and is rekindled by a spark from another person. Each one of us has cause to think with deep gratitude of those who have lighted the flame within us." ~Albert Schweitzer (1875-1965) Nobel Peace Prize-Winning Medical Missionary And Philosopher

Wednesday, 2 April 2014

Wing Wednesdays...Lol

Hung out w/these lovely ladies after the portfolio show for some wings, listening to live music, and winning prizes in a charity raffle for autism...#Gastown #TheWarehouse

VCAD Portfolio Show...Congratulations To All Graduates

Just got home from the #VCAD portfolio show, good turn out for the graduates this term, amazing stuff coming outta this school...Worked the food station tonight, lol man people hungry will do anything to get a bite. #Crowdcontrol #HA!

Tuesday, 1 April 2014

Im never too proud…I stay humbled in life.

I admit when I make mistakes.
I am sincere when I say sorry for any wrong doing.
I have big dreams.
I admit that I owe alot of my success to those around me.
I sometimes poke fun at myself.
I ask for help when I need it and...

At times I fail but you know what?…

I'll try again and again and again till i get it right.

3rd Term commencing...

Doing some figure studies in Life Drawing 3 class...Back on that #VCAD #Schoolgrind Repetitive practices to hone the skills #HA!-Style